Reed’s Academy Job Opportunities
Reed’s Academy takes pride in building a family friendly staff to operate a family friendly environment. We are always interested in meeting potential staff members who have different professional backgrounds that we can possible add to our programs or simply enhance whatever positions we may have available. Our jobs are part-time, they consist of Group fitness Instructors (Yoga, Pilates, Zumba), After School – Camps – Home School responsibilities.
We strongly encourage High School-College Students, Teachers; Stay at Home Parents & Retired Citizens to join us. Reed’s Academy will post all jobs, so they are visible however; that does not mean we are hiring for all positions, if any. If you see a job posted, that you are interested in, you can apply for this position by a simple inquired email. We will contact you either way to let you know the status of that position. We will also keep your email on file in case the job you request comes available, in which you still will have to go through an interview.
Home School Director:
You will be responsible for organizing and managing Reed’s Home School Program.
After School Director:
You will be responsible for organizing and managing Reed’s After School Program.
Summer Camp Director:
You will be responsible for organizing and managing Reed’s Summer Camp Program.
Youth Activity Planner:
You must have a professional back-ground in public event planning and entertainment for kids!
Youth Counselors:
This is an After School & Summer Camp part-time position. You must have the leadership, patience and love to work and assist with kids ages 4-12
Arts & Crafts Teachers: You must be able to teach and instruct arts and crafts to kids ages 4-12
After School Drivers:
You will be responsible for driving Reed’s company vehicle and picking up kids after school M-F 1:30 – 4:30pm. You must have a good driver’s record, including NO DUI!
Cheer & Dance Instructors:
You must be qualified to safely teach cheer and dance to kids ages 4-12
Yoga / Pilates / Group Instructors:
Certified Instructors needed; Morning, Evening & Weekend classes.